how to promote your blog without doing anything - new lune

How To Promote Your Blog Without Doing Anything.

There are so many things you can do to promote your blog but all of them will require you to do something. Obviously, if you have time – it’s perfect! However, if you are busy and can’t spare time to work on your blog but at the same time would like to grow your blog then it can definitely be tricky. That’s the reason why in today’s post, I wanted to share with you some ways you can do to promote your blog without literally doing anything! You won’t need to spend a lot of time doing any of these things but they are as effective as any other methods. Without further ado, let’s jump into the post!

Il y a tellement de choses que vous pouvez faire pour promouvoir votre blog, mais toutes vous obligeront à faire quelque chose. Évidemment, si vous avez le temps, c’est parfait! Cependant, si vous êtes occupé et que vous ne pouvez pas perdre de temps pour travailler sur votre blog mais que vous souhaitez en même temps développer votre blog, cela peut certainement être délicat. C’est la raison pour laquelle, dans l’article d’aujourd’hui, je voulais partager avec vous quelques moyens que vous pouvez faire pour promouvoir votre blog sans rien faire! Vous n’aurez pas besoin de passer beaucoup de temps à faire ces choses, mais elles sont aussi efficaces que toutes les autres méthodes. Sans plus tarder, passons au post!

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One of the easiest and effective ways to promote your blog without doing anything is by buying an advertising space/slot on another blog. Depending on the advertising package, you will be able to receive different features. Some will offer a space on their sidebar whilst others might offer social media promotion. It’s a great way to promote your blog to reach a new & wider audience.

L’un des moyens les plus simples et les plus efficaces de promouvoir votre blog sans rien faire est d’acheter un espace / emplacement publicitaire sur un autre blog. En fonction du package publicitaire, vous pourrez bénéficier de différentes fonctionnalités. Certains offriront un espace sur leur barre latérale tandis que d’autres pourraient proposer une promotion sur les réseaux sociaux. C’est un excellent moyen de promouvoir votre blog pour atteindre un public nouveau et plus large.

Related: Advertising For Bloggers & Small Businesses



By interacting with other bloggers, you are not only showing support and connecting with other bloggers but you are also promoting your blog. There is a huge probability of their audience checking out your blog! You can like or comment on their blog posts. Obviously, if they have a large audience and receive a lot of traffic then the probability of their audience checking out your website is very high. That’s the reason why it’s very important to leave a genuine comment instead of writing a comment to promote your blog. You don’t want other people to have a bad impression of your blog before they even check out your website.

En interagissant avec d’autres blogueurs, vous montrez non seulement votre soutien et vous vous connectez avec d’autres blogueurs, mais vous faites également la promotion de votre blog. Il y a une énorme probabilité que leur public consulte votre blog! Vous pouvez aimer ou commenter leurs articles de blog. Évidemment, s’ils ont un large public et reçoivent beaucoup de trafic, la probabilité que leur public consulte votre site Web est très élevée. C’est la raison pour laquelle il est très important de laisser un commentaire authentique au lieu d’écrire un commentaire pour promouvoir votre blog. Vous ne voulez pas que les autres aient une mauvaise impression de votre blog avant même de consulter votre site Web.

Related: 4 Ways To Gain Followers On Instagram Without Posting Any Pictures



Last but not least, you can use social media to promote your blog. You don’t really need to share your blog posts on social media in order to promote your blog, even using it will give you the same results. Depending on the platform in question, you can like other people’s pictures/tweets, share them/retweet them or comment on their pictures/tweets. It’s pretty similar to the previous point, you are interacting with them but on their social media platforms.

Enfin, vous pouvez utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour promouvoir votre blog. Vous n’avez pas vraiment besoin de partager vos articles de blog sur les réseaux sociaux pour promouvoir votre blog, même son utilisation vous donnera les mêmes résultats. Selon la plateforme en question, vous pouvez aimer les photos / tweets d’autres personnes, les partager / les retweeter ou commenter sur leurs photos / tweets. C’est assez similaire au point précédent, vous interagissez avec eux mais sur leurs plateformes de médias sociaux.

Related: How To Establish A Strong Social Media Presence

Thank you so much for reading! – xo N

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    1. Thank you Mason! I’ve never said social media is a waste of time. It’s a powerful way to generate a lot of traffic towards your website and get a lot of opportunities but it’s definitely not for everyone. Some people find social media to be amazing and some don’t, it totally depends on your personal preference. Unless you incorporate effective strategies to promote your blog, there isn’t much to do unfortunately. Thank you so much for reading 😊

    2. I’m sorry. I said Social Media is a waste of time. I have 8k followers on twitter. I share each post I make to it and I never get a single click. I’ve never sold a book there nothing. Social media is full of desperate authors selling their work to other authors who are not interested. Its a complete waste of time.

      The only thing I found to work without being rich is as you said networking with other bloggers.

    3. No worries, there is no need to apologise! I completely understand what you mean, you could have thousands of followers but if nobody engages with your content – it’s the same as having no followers. That’s the reason why interacting and connecting with other bloggers is so important.

    4. Yup, nobody reads anything unless big expensive ads tell them too. I gave up publishing my novels as a result. it was a waste of time. my series is destined for the bin fairly soon.

    5. That’s sad. Could be because of the internet is flooded with bloggers and many are not interested in reading other’s work. Hope all these changes soon and good work is appreciated without much publishing.

    6. with 100k new writers every month it’ll only get even worse. Honestly writing for anything but fun is pointless these days unless you’re rich or famous.

    7. Maybe that should be the only motivation? Continue with a normal life and write for fun. I also find social media to be useless and have stopped promoting my stuff as much in places like Twitter. Your posts will obviously disappear into the cyber world in just a few seconds. If it’s any consolation, I absolutely hate how one needs to either be the most popular thing alive or filthy rich for anyone to care about what you’re saying in the social world.

    8. Hello, Shelly.
      For sure if we write for anything but for fun we’ll lose ourselves in a black hole of depression through failing daily. I did this, took me two years to enjoy writing again. It also cost me my publishing dream as the only way I could enjoy writing was to never focus on publishing again, it had to be just for fun.

      Twitter is the worst for promotion. At least one or to people visit from Facebook.

  1. I wish more people understood the, Do not promote your blog by asking others to check out your blog. Most of those comments end up in the SPAM box but still a few get through. I am really am clueless about social media and how to effectively use it but one thing is for certain, I will never ask anyone to follow me, cause really, I am lost and in need of GPS.

    Thanks for sharing your POV 🙂

  2. I wish things to be that easier but in real world scenarios they are not.

    It’s been a year now since I started blogging but still am struggling to get a stable traffic to my blog.

    Just keep your hopes high, fortune will strike soon 😍👍.

    Loads of love ❤️

  3. Great post as always!! Twitter has been the best way for me to promote my blog. You can post about it tons of times without worrying about spam or annoying other bloggers.

  4. Really useful post for a new blogger like myself. Thank you for posting and I’ll try my best to implement your suggestions.

  5. Vous me rendez un grand service si vous me d donnez un coup de main pour mon blog. Comme je n’ ai pas l temps ..Merci beaucoup

  6. Thank you for sharing this. The advertising package is a great idea. I tried that myself last year and I did see improvements. I am also working on engaging with other bloggers.

  7. I’m always so hesitant to invest money into paid promotions, mostly because the few times I have done it have yielded very little, if anything. Maybe I have never invested enough and that’s why I haven’t seen significant results. Installing Yoast SEO was one of the greatest favors I ever did for my blog– it’s really helped me learn to write in a way that draws more search engine traffic. I highly recommend it!

  8. This article was really informative and helpful! It’s difficult to grow a starting blog, since often you don’t really know what to do :3333

  9. Truly, promoting blogs on social media can be really intimidating because no one clicks or views your blog at the end of the day.
    Thanks, New lune
    I think interacting with other bloggers is the best strategy.

  10. Great tips! I do promote my blog on my social media pages, mainly because my blog is a combination of subjects, appealing to distinct readers. Many of these readers claim to dislike subscriptions, per se, but tell me they like certain topics that I cover. Hence, the need to post a promo video/gif of each blog as it posts.

    They also say they’re entertained by the promos themselves, which are often subject-specific video clips – usually scenes from movies. And since I haven’t amassed a large enough following to monetize the site, I’m not concerned with content that would otherwise negate the ability to generate revenue. Of course, when/if I DO get there, all that will change.

    I also post my latest blogs on Flowpage, so people get a “movie poster” type overview of what’s currently out.

    I’m sure I’ll change my methods as time passes, but they work for me, for now.

    Thank you for sharing!

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