is blogging something temporary or permanent - new lune

Is Blogging Something Temporary Or Permanent?

I think a lot of people in the blogging industry have this question or at least, question whether blogging is something permanent or not. I’ve been blogging for over 6 years now and I still can’t believe that I’ve been blogging for this long. It’s worth noting that I’ve only been blogging consistently for over 4 years but still that number is surreal to me. During these years, I’ve seen a lot of things happen in the industry, both good and bad.

But something that has always struck to me is the idea of blogging, more like the concept of establishing your blog into a passion and in some instances turning it into a business. I don’t think it’s something that would have been possible a decade or two ago. Then comes the question whether blogging is something reliable and permanent. And that’s what I wanted to discuss in today’s post! It’s been ages since I’ve shared my opinion on certain topics and I thought this would be the perfect time. Without further ado, let’s jump into the post!

Je pense que beaucoup de gens dans l’industrie des blogs ont cette question ou du moins, se demandent si les blogs sont quelque chose de permanent ou non. Je blogue depuis plus de 6 ans maintenant et je n’arrive toujours pas à croire que je blogue depuis si longtemps. Il convient de noter que je ne blogue régulièrement que depuis plus de 4 ans, mais ce nombre est toujours surréaliste pour moi. Au cours de ces années, j’ai vu beaucoup de choses se produire dans l’industrie, à la fois bonnes et mauvaises.

Mais quelque chose qui m’a toujours frappé, c’est l’idée de bloguer, plus le concept de faire de votre blog une passion et, dans certains cas, de le transformer en entreprise. Je ne pense pas que ce soit quelque chose qui aurait été possible il y a une décennie ou deux. Vient ensuite la question de savoir si les blogs sont quelque chose de fiable et permanent. Et c’est ce dont je voulais parler dans le post d’aujourd’hui! Cela fait des lustres que je n’ai pas partagé mon opinion sur certains sujets et j’ai pensé que ce serait le moment idéal. Sans plus tarder, passons à la publication !

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When we look at YouTube or other social media platforms, we can safely say that most people who made it big on those platforms don’t always stay there and develop another source of income or simply leave that platform because it doesn’t passionate them anymore. The same could apply to blogging but I personally don’t view it that way. From my perspective, blogging is my passion and it’s something that makes me happy and helps me divert my mind from my stress and worries. You could say it’s a form of escape. I know it’s the same case for most bloggers.

When you combine your passion and method of escapism together, it results into something beautiful. For me and like for many others, that’s blogging. Blogging is more focused on the writing aspect than it is on the visual therefore it gives the option to many people to have the freedom to choose whether they want to reveal their identity or not. In addition, blogging is very affordable and even free in some cases. If you don’t choose to buy your domain and want to use a free hosting service platform then you don’t need to pay a single penny for your blog. Then why are people leaving or deleting their blogs? That’s what I discuss in the next point!

Lorsque nous regardons YouTube ou d’autres plateformes de médias sociaux, nous pouvons dire en toute sécurité que la plupart des gens qui ont réussi sur ces plateformes ne restent pas toujours là et développent une autre source de revenus ou quittent simplement cette plateforme parce qu’elle ne les passionne plus. La même chose pourrait s’appliquer aux blogs, mais personnellement, je ne le vois pas de cette façon. De mon point de vue, le blogging est ma passion et c’est quelque chose qui me rend heureuse et m’aide à détourner mon esprit de mon stress et de mes soucis. On pourrait dire que c’est une forme d’évasion. Je sais que c’est le même cas pour la plupart des blogueurs.

Lorsque vous combinez votre passion et votre méthode d’évasion, il en résulte quelque chose de beau. Pour moi et comme pour beaucoup d’autres, c’est le blogging. Le blogging est plus axé sur l’aspect écrit que sur le visuel, il donne donc la possibilité à de nombreuses personnes d’avoir la liberté de choisir s’ils veulent révéler leur identité ou non. De plus, les blogs sont très abordables et même gratuits dans certains cas. Si vous ne choisissez pas d’acheter votre domaine et que vous souhaitez utiliser une plate-forme de service d’hébergement gratuit, vous n’avez pas besoin de payer un seul centime pour votre blog. Alors pourquoi les gens quittent-ils ou suppriment-ils leurs blogs ? C’est ce dont je parle au point suivant !

Related: Blogging Community Over Competition?



Some people might assume that blogging is easy but it’s actually the complete opposite. It requires a lot of patience and hard work. Whether you are only blogging as a hobby or as a potential business, it’s not easy to grow your blog. That’s one of the reasons why most people end up giving up their blogs because it’s really hard to continue blogging without seeing any results. It might give a feeling that your hard work isn’t paying off which can be discouraging.

There are some people who choose the wrong path for that very same reason. Copying, imitating, plagiarising or stealing another blogger’s content and hard work obviously won’t result in anything good. Like any other good things in life, you need to work hard in order to get great things. It just makes the experience much more valuable and you will be more appreciative of the result.

Certaines personnes pourraient penser que bloguer est facile, mais c’est en fait tout le contraire. Cela demande beaucoup de patience et de travail acharné. Que vous soyez uniquement en train de bloguer en tant que passe-temps ou en tant qu’entreprise potentielle, il n’est pas facile de développer votre blog. C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la plupart des gens finissent par abandonner leurs blogs, car il est vraiment difficile de continuer à bloguer sans voir aucun résultat. Cela peut donner l’impression que votre travail acharné ne porte pas ses fruits, ce qui peut être décourageant.

Il y a des gens qui choisissent le mauvais chemin pour la même raison. Copier, imiter, plagier ou voler le contenu et le travail acharné d’un autre blogueur n’apporteront évidemment rien de bon. Comme toutes les autres bonnes choses de la vie, vous devez travailler dur pour obtenir de grandes choses. Cela rend l’expérience beaucoup plus précieuse et vous apprécierez davantage le résultat.

Related: 5 Blogging Hacks



I think this is something that most people forget and that is the fact that blogging is not for everyone. It’s something I always say on my blog and that is you need to be passionate about your blog in order to continue blogging for a long period of time.

Whether you want to monetise your blog or not, or whether you want to grow your blog or not is a completely different topic but if you don’t have the passion/love for blogging or for the content you write then it will definitely not work for you. Some people do leave their blogs behind and come back when they are ready and have time, the reason being the love they have for their blogs. You can’t do something if you don’t enjoy it, even if it brings you money and views.

Je pense que c’est quelque chose que la plupart des gens oublient et c’est le fait que les blogs ne sont pas pour tout le monde. C’est quelque chose que je dis toujours sur mon blog et c’est que vous devez être passionné par votre blog afin de continuer à bloguer pendant une longue période.

Que vous souhaitiez monétiser votre blog ou non, ou que vous souhaitiez développer votre blog ou non, c’est un sujet complètement différent, mais si vous n’avez pas la passion / l’amour pour les blogs ou pour le contenu que vous écrivez, cela ne fonctionnera certainement pas pour vous. Certaines personnes laissent leurs blogs derrière elles et reviennent quand elles sont prêtes et qu’elles ont le temps, la raison étant l’amour qu’elles ont pour leurs blogs. Vous ne pouvez pas faire quelque chose si vous ne l’appréciez pas, même si cela vous rapporte de l’argent et des vues.

Related: How To Succeed In Your First Year Of Blogging


Now onto the question whether blogging is something temporary or permanent. I think it’s based on the individual. Blogging will always be something that will stay on for years. I don’t think it’s something that will die down anytime soon.

On the other hand, people’s thoughts and opinions change. Some will start a blog whilst others will quit. It all depends on their situations and thoughts. Just because some people choose to leave doesn’t mean that there won’t be any new people coming.

Maintenant sur la question de savoir si les blogs sont quelque chose de temporaire ou permanent. Je pense que c’est basé sur l’individu. Les blogs seront toujours quelque chose qui restera pendant des années. Je ne pense pas que ce soit quelque chose qui va disparaître de sitôt.

D’un autre côté, les pensées et les opinions des gens changent. Certains créeront un blog tandis que d’autres démissionneront. Tout dépend de leurs situations et de leurs pensées. Ce n’est pas parce que certaines personnes choisissent de partir qu’il n’y aura pas de nouvelles personnes à venir.

Thank you so much for reading! – xo N

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  1. I started seriously committing to blogging at the start of the year and I hope it is a permanent thing. I enjoy it and it gives me an outlet to express myself. I would like to keep that up.

  2. Hiya NL 🙂

    IMHO it’s mainly a technological question.

    I myself actually did weblogging *even before* blogging software became widely available — I simply coded simple HTML pages. 😉

    Bloggin software *dynamically* creates webpage “on the fly” … and again IMHO this is not a good *permanent* solution. In the long run blog posts (and entire blogs) would better be archived as static webpages (in plain HTML), This requires less resources (thereby saving the planet 😉 ) and also facilitates a much faster page load.

    I have mentioned this at WP conferences, and I do think the awareness for such advantages is slowly but surely becoming more widespread.

    🙂 Norbert

    1. Wow, congratulations love! I definitely agree with you when it comes to the connection with other people, it’s very precious. Thank you so much for reading ❤️

  3. For me I’d like to think it’s something permanent…I’ve been doing it for 4/5 years now and couldn’t imagine my life without this little outlet and corner of the internet. It’s helped me so much!

    1. Same! It has helped me so much during my darkest times. I don’t think I would be who I am today without my blog. Thank you so much for reading lovely ❤️

  4. This is such an honest post, really insightful. I’ve gone through cycles of committing to my blog for weeks, then taken a few weeks off. This is due to me only being able to focus on one project at a time due to my level of dyspraxia. But I’m hoping this time I’ve got the recipe right: taking a whole day out each week to write a few blog posts at a time. Your so right that our blogs are precious and a means of escape 😊

  5. I’ve been blogging for 5 years and for the past few years I’ve been wanting to quiet. I think I allow social media and the new influencer lifestyle make me feel like I’m not doing something right when it comes to blogging. But I continue to do it because a I simple like creating content and having my own little space on the internet. Once I stated trying to work with brands, pitch and keep up with the trends of social media that’s when my feelings started to change. reading this was really helpful. You are right blogging is not like any other platform and on my website I can do what I want how I want.

  6. I started blogging last year during the lockdown and realized that there’s so much to share with the world, learn from others and understand their perspectives too. Blogging has helped me put my views in front of the world, build a clear thought process, and be more productive and goal-oriented.

  7. Something I’ve been think about is whether I would be able to make my blog a life time commitment. (At least) one post a week until my last day!

    It’s something nice to commit to and good to leave behind some words for my family.

  8. Great to see you still blogging and following your passion! For me, I think blogging is more ‘real’ and ‘intimate’ because it is less fleeting than the other social medias because of all the hard work that’s put in.

    Take YouTube for example…that platform has changed so much that influencers are so unlike what it used to be.

    1. Omg that’s so true! Nowadays, YouTube is a whole other platform. It’s definitely not the way it used to be. Thank you so much for reading love ❤️

  9. Next year will be 15 years for me, but I have to aree with one of your commenters above – it depends on the platforms to a large extent. WP started off with a ‘classic editor” which was standard for a long time – it was simple and easy to use, all functionalality just worked and we knew where everything was. Then a couple of years ago they switched to a ‘block editor’ – much less intuitive and more time consuming now to prepare posts, so I’m posting less than before, or rather, my posts are shorter and more image and video oriented than ‘essay’ oriented. So, I now doing the essay type posts on a different platform. Nevertheless, been bloggin’ for a long time … and still lovin’s it!
    – Jean-Jacques

    1. Ahh congratulations! That’s such a big accomplishment! I loved the ‘classic editor’, it’s such a shame they changed it. Thank you so much for reading 😊

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