5 things I would not recommend doing as a blogger - new lune

5 Things I Would Not Recommend Doing As A Blogger

I don’t consider myself to be an expert in the blogging field but there are a number of things I wouldn’t do and I wouldn’t recommend my fellow bloggers to do either. Even if you don’t follow the things you should do as a blogger, it’s very important that you don’t do things that might have a negative impact on your blog and you as a blogger. Without further a do, let’s jump into the post!

Je ne me considère pas comme un expert dans le domaine des blogs, mais il y a un certain nombre de choses que je ne ferais pas et je ne recommanderais pas non plus à mes collègues blogueurs de le faire. Même si vous ne suivez pas les choses que vous devez faire en tant que blogueur, il est très important de ne pas faire de choses qui pourraient avoir un impact négatif sur votre blog et vous en tant que blogueur. Sans plus tarder, passons au message!

Related: How To Create A Blogging Strategy



This is something I only came across recently but please don’t leave only a link of your blog as a comment. You can obviously leave a link to your blog when leaving a comment on another blogger’s blog post which I would highly recommend to do so but when you simply leave your blog’s URL – it’s just very bad.

I don’t think the blogger in question will allow your comment to be published in the first place so it’s definitely not worth it. But you will definitely add a “bad” image to your blog if other bloggers spot your comment. It’s very disrespectful and it won’t bring you any benefits at all.

C’est quelque chose que je n’ai rencontré que récemment, mais ne laissez pas seulement un lien de votre blog en commentaire. Vous pouvez évidemment laisser un lien vers votre blog lorsque vous laissez un commentaire sur le blog d’un autre blogueur, ce que je recommande fortement de faire, mais lorsque vous laissez simplement l’URL de votre blog – c’est tout simplement très mauvais.

Je ne pense pas que le blogueur en question permettra la publication de votre commentaire en premier lieu, donc cela n’en vaut vraiment pas la peine. Mais vous ajouterez certainement une “mauvaise” image à votre blog si d’autres blogueurs repèrent votre commentaire. C’est très irrespectueux et cela ne vous apportera aucun avantage.




This one ties with the previous point, as I mentioned previously you can leave a link to your blog when writing a comment. Your comment doesn’t even have to be long in order to leave a link, personally to me as long as the comment is genuine, I would never see someone adding their blog’s URL as self-promotion or a way to get traffic. With that said, there are a number of bloggers who use the comment section of another blogger as a social media platform.

When there are social media platforms available, I don’t really see the point of using another blogger’s platform as a way to promote your blog and blog posts. People are most likely to check your blog when they read a genuine comment from yours than a comment that’s purely written to promote your blog and your content.

Celui-ci est lié au point précédent, comme je l’ai mentionné précédemment, vous pouvez laisser un lien vers votre blog lors de la rédaction d’un commentaire. Votre commentaire n’a même pas besoin d’être long pour laisser un lien, personnellement pour moi tant que le commentaire est authentique, je ne verrais jamais quelqu’un ajouter l’URL de son blog comme auto-promotion ou moyen d’obtenir du trafic. Cela dit, il y a un certain nombre de blogueurs qui utilisent la section des commentaires d’un autre blogueur comme plate-forme de médias sociaux.

Lorsqu’il existe des plateformes de médias sociaux, je ne vois pas vraiment l’intérêt d’utiliser la plateforme d’un autre blogueur comme un moyen de promouvoir votre blog et vos articles de blog. Les gens sont plus susceptibles de consulter votre blog lorsqu’ils lisent un véritable commentaire de votre part qu’un commentaire purement écrit pour promouvoir votre blog et votre contenu.




This goes without saying that any bloggers wouldn’t recommend any other bloggers to act in a negative way. You can obviously talk about negative things but acting in a offensive way will not bring any benefits to your blog nor you. To be completely honest, people don’t really pay attention to negativity either so acting that way won’t bring you any good things.

Cela va sans dire qu’aucun blogueur ne recommanderait à d’autres blogueurs d’agir de manière négative. Vous pouvez évidemment parler de choses négatives, mais agir de manière offensive n’apportera aucun avantage à votre blog ni à vous. Pour être complètement honnête, les gens ne prêtent pas vraiment attention à la négativité non plus, donc agir de cette façon ne vous apportera pas de bonnes choses.




I’ve already covered this topic in a blog post, you can obviously be inspired by another blogger to include other niches in your content and write blog posts which is absolutely fine. But there is a fine line between inspiration and imitation. Your blog is already amazing as it, you literally don’t even need to copy another blog! By copying another blog, you are only stealing that blogger’s hard work and creativity, and other people will definitely notice what you are doing as well. Focus on your content and trust me, you’ll definitely see a difference!

J’ai déjà couvert ce sujet dans un article de blog, vous pouvez évidemment être inspiré par un autre blogueur pour inclure d’autres niches dans votre contenu et écrire des articles de blog, ce qui est tout à fait correct. Mais il y a une fine ligne entre l’inspiration et l’imitation. Votre blog est déjà incroyable, vous n’avez même pas besoin de copier un autre blog! En copiant un autre blog, vous ne faites que voler le travail acharné et la créativité de ce blogueur, et d’autres personnes remarqueront certainement ce que vous faites également. Concentrez-vous sur votre contenu et croyez-moi, vous verrez certainement une différence!




Last but not least, this is not really something considered bad to the point it’s deemed as completely unacceptable. Depending on your situation, it might be inevitable. From my personal experience, I wouldn’t recommend any blogger taking a hiatus or long breaks especially if you want to gain traffic on your blog.

When I first started blogging, my blog only consisted of hiatus because I was busy with uni. As a result, my blog didn’t really grow and I didn’t see a significant change in my traffic either. Whether you blog part-time, full-time or as a hobby, your traffic is something you should pay more attention about if you want to grow your blog.

By not posting blog posts consistently, your readers will end up forgetting you. You are allowed to take breaks but make sure that you prepare blog posts in advance, that way you will be able to take a break when life gets hectic but your blog will be taken care of as well.

Enfin et surtout, ce n’est pas vraiment quelque chose de mauvais au point qu’il est considéré comme complètement inacceptable. Selon votre situation, cela peut être inévitable. D’après mon expérience personnelle, je ne recommanderais à aucun blogueur de prendre une pause ou de longues pauses, surtout si vous souhaitez gagner du trafic sur votre blog.

Quand j’ai commencé à bloguer, mon blog ne comprenait que des hiatus parce que j’étais occupé avec uni. En conséquence, mon blog n’a pas vraiment grandi et je n’ai pas non plus vu de changement significatif dans mon trafic. Que vous bloguiez à temps partiel, à temps plein ou à titre de passe-temps, votre trafic est quelque chose auquel vous devriez accorder plus d’attention si vous souhaitez développer votre blog.

En ne publiant pas systématiquement des articles de blog, vos lecteurs finiront par vous oublier. Vous êtes autorisé à prendre des pauses, mais assurez-vous de préparer des articles de blog à l’avance, de cette façon, vous pourrez prendre une pause lorsque la vie est agitée, mais votre blog sera également pris en charge.




xo N

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  1. Agree with all of these, especially it being wrong to leave links in comments. The amount of comments and even emails I receive that are just a link to someone’s blog is infuriating but it’s nice to have the power not to let it appear on my blog. Great post! 💕

  2. Excellent things to think about and consider. I especially like your comment on not leaving the link to your own blog in the comments section of someone else’s. To me, when people do that it’s like they’re fishing for traffic through the hard work and dedication of someone else.

    Thanks for taking the time to post this.

    1. Thank you so much! ❤️ I definitely don’t mind when bloggers leave a link to their blogs in the comments but when it’s only a link and nothing else, it just looks so bad!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I must admit that I’ve been guilty of !not posting blog posts consistently” over the past few months. I do hope that I’ll get back to writing really soon… Warm regards

  4. I think these are insightful and easy to follow rules to remember. I also love your makeup pictures!

  5. I didn’t realise people would promote their blogs on comments! I do find that disrespectful. As someone who’s just experienced a long hiatus from blogging due to college work, I completely understand that last point!

  6. I try to be consistent, I have found that I am getting more traffic, which is fantastic but do you sometimes find it tough to come up with something that you believe other readers will find interesting.

  7. Thank you. I am guilty of inconsistency. I really would love to publish a post once a week but life tends to get away from me sometimes, but I think the preparing and scheduling posts will really help. Great post. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. This is quite funny because I just put out a blog post about this! (And it even has the same title!) I really like your points though, and it was a good read 💛

  9. Ideally, your comment should be enticing enough to attract the curious without having to resort to dropping addresses in comment sections. Additionally, I’ve been making “connections” on LinkedIn and it seems many people have annoying auto-messages when they make a new connection. They are—of course—all shameless pandering for book sales or services.

  10. Completely agree about leaving links in the comments! I never actually do that unless it’s a non-Wordpress blog but even then, I always make sure I write a genuine comment otherwise what’s the point?

    I am bad with consistency but getting better! Hoping to have a much better March!

    1. It’s definitely not a problem to me but when some people start to promote their blog and blog posts, it’s just so disrespectful!

  11. Hi, Lune 🙂

    Thanks for the very helpful post. Great points to remember. ❤ Blessings to you. ❤

  12. I’m always surprised by how many bloggers don’t seem to ‘get’ basic courtesy when it comes to commenting on blogs. However, I think it’s the result of older bloggers that refuse to put the effort rubbing off on newer bloggers who honestly just don’t know better. Thank you for putting this out there. Hopefully it will reach some of those newer to the community to help them learn how to engage and interact with all of us in a way that builds lasting connections. After all, the blogging community is amazing when you’re an active part of it!

  13. Your posts are so beautifully designed, and you say things so succinctly and clearly. It’s a joy to read. I am aware of these things but sometimes have a hard time staying focussed on them, and many, many mistakes happen. :)) Thanks for all your stars, lighting the way. 🌟🧡

  14. I loved your blog post and these are such helpful tips. Thank you for this.

    I will have to improve my posting more regularly, i am not consistent with my posts but also I use my blog to write my thoughts and I am not looking to make a living out of it – you know? More relaxed.

    Ana C, http://www.adreamersland.com

  15. I am a Chinese junior high student blogger and YouTuber. I am usually busy with my school work so I don’t have time to update my blog. Also, I never plagiarize others’ articles in order to obey academic honesty rules, including my school work, my blog articles, and my YouTube videos.
    This article is really helpful for me to improve my blog. Thanks for sharing! I hope I can grow my blog with your tips.

  16. Some really important points! I completely agree with the leaving links in comments too. Don’t get me wrong, if someone takes the time to leave a genuine comment, there’s no problem with that at all – sometimes it makes it easier for you to return the favour too – but when it’s just a cop out comment like “great post” and then a link it just comes off as rude and disrespectful! x

  17. Thanks for taking a look at my military poem I published today. The like was greatly appreciated. It led me to this article of yours which has helped me no end, as a blogging newbie. I totally agree on things like negativity and links in comments…seems pointless and rude. Thanks.

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