7 apps every blogger needs - bitly - unum - instagram - new lune - unfold - buffer - bloglovin - wordpress

7 Apps Every Blogger Needs

As a blogger, it’s highly important that you have certain apps on your phone in order to be productive. I prefer to use my laptop when it comes to most blogging tasks but there are a number of apps I use on my phone on a daily basis. If you want to find out what those apps are, keep on reading!

En tant que blogueur, il est essentiel que vous disposiez de certaines applications sur votre téléphone pour être productif. Je préfère utiliser mon ordinateur portable pour la plupart des tâches de blogging, mais de nombreuses applications sont utilisées quotidiennement sur mon téléphone. Si vous voulez savoir ce que sont ces applications, continuez à lire!

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This is a great app if you want to shorten your blog post links. It will save a lot of characters when adding a link in a tweet. You don’t need to download their app to do it, you can use their website.

Ceci est une excellente application si vous souhaitez raccourcir les liens de votre blog. Cela permettra d’économiser beaucoup de caractères lors de l’ajout d’un lien dans un tweet. Vous n’avez pas besoin de télécharger leur application pour le faire, vous pouvez également utiliser leur site Web.

Related: What To Expect As A New Blogger.



If you want to schedule your tweets then you need to get Buffer. It saves a lot of time and you’ll know for sure that your tweets will go live at a certain day/time. This is so handy if you want to promote your old posts.

Si vous souhaitez planifier vos tweets, vous devez vous procurer Buffer. Cela vous fera gagner beaucoup de temps et vous saurez avec certitude que vos tweets seront diffusés à un moment donné. C’est très pratique si vous souhaitez promouvoir vos anciens messages.

Related: 4 Things You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty As A Blogger



With Bloglovin, you can follow and read all your favourite blogs in one place. It’s much easier to keep up with all your favourite bloggers, the user interface is very clean and simple so everything is organised. If you want to follow me on there, click here! I’d truly appreciate it.

Avec Bloglovin, vous pouvez suivre et lire tous vos blogs préférés au même endroit. Il est beaucoup plus facile de suivre tous vos blogueurs préférés, l’interface utilisateur est très propre et simple, tout est organisé. Si vous voulez me suivre là-bas, cliquez ici! Je l’apprécierais vraiment.

Related: 5 Ways To Promote Your Blog & Business



If your blog is on WordPress.com you definitely need to get their app, it’ll save you a lot of time and work. For example, you can easily reply to comments and schedule blog posts, as well as checking your stats. You can still use this app if you have a self-hosted website but you need to install the Jetpack plugin on your website.

Si votre blog est sur WordPress.com, vous devez absolument obtenir leur application, cela vous fera gagner beaucoup de temps et de travail. Par exemple, vous pouvez facilement répondre aux commentaires et planifier des publications sur le blog, tout en vérifiant vos statistiques. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser cette application si vous avez un site Web auto-hébergé, mais vous devez installer le plugin Jetpack sur votre site Web.

Related: Growing A Thick Skin As A Blogger.



I know Instagram is a social media platform and in my opinion you don’t need to have Instagram in order to be a successful blogger but that topic is for another post. I use Instagram for inspiration in terms of blog photography, content and simply for motivation. When I see other successful bloggers, it motivates me to do better and I’ve been loving using Instagram for that matter. In addition, I use Instagram to interact & support other bloggers/influencers as well.

Je sais qu’Instagram est une plateforme de médias sociaux et, à mon avis, il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir Instagram pour être un blogueur prospère, mais ce sujet concerne un autre poste. J’utilise Instagram pour m’inspirer en termes de photographie de blog, de contenu et tout simplement pour la motivation. Quand je vois d’autres blogueurs à succès, cela me motive à faire mieux et j’adore utiliser Instagram pour cette question. De plus, j’utilise Instagram pour interagir et soutenir d’autres blogueurs/influenceurs.

Related: 7 Photo Editing Apps To Up Your Instagram Feed



If you want to plan a specific theme on Instagram then Unum is the app for you! I love to use it to plan my feed, it helps me create a cohesive feed. You can use it to schedule your posts as well which is great.

Si vous souhaitez planifier un thème spécifique sur Instagram, Unum est l’application qu’il vous faut! J’aime l’utiliser pour planifier mon flux, cela m’aide à créer un flux cohérent. Vous pouvez également l’utiliser pour programmer vos publications, ce qui est excellent.

Related: How to Create a Gorgeous Feed Using VSCO Cam + Freebies



If you are looking for an app to create cool Instagram Stories then Unfold is the one you need. I only use the free templates which are more than enough for me but there are other inexpensive templates as well which only cost less than a quid.

Si vous recherchez une application pour créer de super histoires Instagram, alors Unfold est celui dont vous avez besoin. Je n’utilise que les modèles gratuits qui sont plus que suffisants pour moi, mais il existe également d’autres modèles peu coûteux qui ne coûtent que moins d’un dollar/euro.

Related: FREE Instagram Stories Backgrounds



xo N

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  1. I already have WordPress, Bloglovin and Instagram. But I don’t use bit.ly because it has been blocked in China. If someone visits bit.ly page in China, it will can’t be accessed. WordPress has a short link feature. I also use Grammarly to practice my English grammar.
    I know you post your blog in English and French, I post my blog in English and Chinese Simplified. Sometimes I use translate apps.

    1. Ohh I didn’t know about that! Grammarly is a great tool, I’ve mentioned it on one of my blog posts. Thanks for reading!

  2. Thank you so much. I didn’t even know you could use Pinterest for a blog 🙄 clearly an amateur here!
    I have a question for anyone who can help, my posts do not post in order! They are going by month and then date as opposed to order they are posted. So there is no flow. I am lost.. thanks in advance for anyone’s help!!

    1. You’re welcome! I believe you need to check your home settings under the option customise. There will be an option where you can set your blog posts to appear in a chronological order. Hope that was helpful 😊

  3. I find the WordPress app to be very helpful in uploading photos. I usually use my phone to take and edit pictures and with the app I can easily upload them (for some reason I just find it easier than going to the website). It helped me post more often since a huge delay for me is in uploading the photos for my post :))

  4. I downloaded Unfold last week after realising what app every other influencer was using! I haven’t gotten round to using it though but hopefully I’ll be able to get to it soon.

    I think Instagram is fundamental to every blogger! Very handy and I love interacting with everyone on there. 🙂

    1. You can find tutorials online or in some cases you can find documentations. Let me know if you need any help ☺️

    1. My pleasure, love! That’s actually a good question! I spend (more than) an hour on Instagram to catch up my feed and 5 to 10 minutes on Buffer & Bitly every time I schedule a blog post. I probably use WordPress the most often, I use it for an hour or two on an everyday basis. I only use Unfold when I want to upload Instagram stories and that only takes me a minute or two. I use Bloglovin once in a while ☺️

  5. Thanks for posting this! I really needed to get my blogging life (and actual life) together, haha, so this was really helpful. I’ve taken such a long hiatus and yay, I’m back, and looking through my reader this caught my eye, so thanks again!

  6. Agree with all of your recommendations – Buffer is my favorite for Twitter promotion. For Instagram planning, Planoly is my favorite!! I used to really enjoy Preview, but Plainly has since replaced it for scheduling/planning.

  7. I have to say, I’ve just come across your blog and it is so useful to me. It’s full of great info and tips, and I’ve been on a few of your posts and feel like I’ve already learned so much! Thanks for this! How long have you been blogging for?

    1. Aww thank you so much! I’m so glad to hear that! I’ve been blogging for 4 years but I’ve only been blogging consistently for 2 years x

  8. Ohhhh thanks for sharing these apps. I use WordPress, Bloglovin and Instagram, I’m going to look into the other ones you mention. ❤

  9. When you use all these apps, do you have a centralized place that you keep track of everything? How do you go about that? Are these apps free? Love this article, really awesome stuff to know!

  10. Pingback: 5 blog posts you should read too – The busy shelf

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