my study routine for exams - new lune

My Study Routine For Exams

Exams are always stressful, it doesn’t matter what the subject or module is. Whether you prepare it for months or at the last minute, it’s just such a stressful time. In today’s post, I wanted to share with you the study routine I used to follow religiously during the exam season which I’m pretty sure most of you already do all the things I’m mentioning! Without further a do, let’s jump into the post!

Les examens sont toujours stressants, peu importe le sujet ou le module. Que vous le prépariez pendant des mois ou à la dernière minute, c’est juste une période si stressante. Dans le post d’aujourd’hui, je voulais partager avec vous la routine d’étude que je suivais religieusement pendant la saison des examens, dont je suis sûr que la plupart d’entre vous font déjà tout ce que je mentionne! Sans plus tarder, passons au poste!

Related: 6 Study Tips To Pass Your Exams For School/University



It’s really important that you are hydrated and eat something before you start revising for your exams. It can be hard to concentrate on an empty stomach so make sure to eat. I wouldn’t go as far as saying you should eat something healthy because let’s be honest, it’s such a stressful time and you usually end up eating what you have in your kitchen or home. Obviously if you can, try to eat something healthy.

Il est très important de vous hydrater et de manger quelque chose avant de commencer à réviser pour vos examens. Il peut être difficile de se concentrer avec un estomac vide, alors assurez-vous de manger. Je n’irais pas jusqu’à dire que vous devriez manger quelque chose de sain, car soyons honnêtes, c’est une période tellement stressante et vous finissez généralement par manger ce que vous avez dans votre cuisine ou à la maison. Évidemment, si vous le pouvez, essayez de manger quelque chose de sain.



I find it really hard to concentrate when my office space (whether it’s your bed or desk) is messy and unorganised. I always spend a couple of minutes tidying everything. I instantly feel much more organised and I’m not going to lie, studying in a cluttered space is not efficient & productive at all. Whether you study in your bed, couch or desk, I would highly recommend to clean and tidy the space you are going to spend the next couple of hours.

J’ai du mal à me concentrer lorsque mon espace de bureau (que ce soit votre lit ou votre bureau) est en désordre et mal organisé. Je passe toujours quelques minutes à tout ranger. Je me sens instantanément beaucoup plus organisé et je ne vais pas mentir, étudier dans un espace encombré n’est pas du tout efficace et productif. Que vous étudiez dans votre lit, votre canapé ou votre bureau, je vous recommande vivement de nettoyer et de ranger l’espace que vous allez passer les deux prochaines heures.



I would say it’s pretty similar to blogging, you have to plan & organise your schedule before you start revising. Unfortunately, there are times when you’ll have a bunch of exams all in the same week therefore it’s very important that you plan and create a schedule to revise. It’ll be much clearer and easier to study and revise, plus it’ll make sure that you don’t miss any important information.

Je dirais que c’est assez similaire aux blogs, vous devez planifier et organiser votre calendrier avant de commencer à réviser. Malheureusement, il y a des moments où vous aurez un tas d’examens tous dans la même semaine, il est donc très important de planifier et de créer un calendrier à réviser. Ce sera beaucoup plus clair et plus facile à étudier et à réviser, et cela vous permettra de ne manquer aucune information importante.

Related: How To Study Productively After School/Uni



Now it’s time to revise! The first thing I like to do is arrange all the notes I’ve taken throughout the semester and organise them. When I was in high school, I used to rewrite them all over again to memorise but in uni, I would just type them out in a new Word document.

Not only it will help you memorise the information but it will remind you of all your lectures in classes. I know in some universities or depending on your course, there are open book exams where you are allowed to take notes, texts or resource materials.

Il est maintenant temps de réviser! La première chose que j’aime faire est d’organiser toutes les notes que j’ai prises tout au long du semestre et de les organiser. Quand j’étais au lycée, je les réécrivais à nouveau pour mémoriser mais en uni, je les tapais simplement dans un nouveau document Word.

Non seulement cela vous aidera à mémoriser les informations, mais cela vous rappellera toutes vos conférences en classe. Je sais que dans certaines universités ou en fonction de votre cursus, il existe des examens de livres ouverts où vous êtes autorisé à prendre des notes, des textes ou des ressources. 



If you are a visual learner, highlighting and using colours when reading your notes/materials is a great way to revise. Use specific colours for specific information for instance one colour for a definition and another for a formula. I know many people who have so much fun in this process and doodle on their notes. It’s all about what helps you memorise those information and if it’s being creative on your notes then go for it!

Si vous êtes un apprenant visuel, mettre en évidence et utiliser des couleurs lors de la lecture de vos notes/documents est un excellent moyen de réviser. Utilisez des couleurs spécifiques pour des informations spécifiques, par exemple une couleur pour une définition et une autre pour une formule. Je connais beaucoup de gens qui s’amusent tellement dans ce processus et gribouillent sur leurs notes. Tout dépend de ce qui vous aide à mémoriser ces informations et si c’est etre créatif sur vos notes, allez-y!

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This is such a crucial and important step and I know so many people who end up forgetting this part but always check any books or PDF documents that your professor has recommended or given you. You can even go a step further and check in your library for specific books.

C’est une étape cruciale et importante et je connais tellement de gens qui finissent par oublier cette partie mais vérifiez toujours tous les livres ou documents PDF que votre professeur vous a recommandés ou donnés. Vous pouvez même aller plus loin et vérifier dans votre bibliothèque pour des livres spécifiques. 



Finally, I think it’s really important that you relax before any exams. Take time for yourself to sit back and watch an episode or two of your favourite TV show. Some people like to go to the gym whilst others prefer to watch a film. Do what you enjoy the most!

Enfin, je pense qu’il est vraiment important de vous détendre avant tout examen. Prenez le temps de vous asseoir et de regarder un épisode ou deux de votre émission de télévision préférée. Certaines personnes aiment aller au gym tandis que d’autres préfèrent regarder un film. Faites ce que vous aimez le plus!

Related: Favourites For Anxiety Relief and Positivity



xo N

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  1. This is what I needed to prepare me for my exams next year 🙂 Lol I can relate to eating what is available in the kitchen/fridge! Last semester was a nightmare in terms of what I ate but hopefully next year, I eat something more decent and healthy!
    – Doni 🙂

    1. So glad to hear that! Hahah I know right 😂 That’s so bad but we don’t have any other choice. Hopefully you’ll get to eat something more healthy next year!

  2. I remember when I was studying for my B.S in Sociology. The most important advice I can give to anyone is schedule, schedule, schedule. It’s so important to break up your day into small tasks and you’ll be surprise how easy everything is. Great advice and post!

  3. Awesome. You need to be ready before assimilating anything. When you are not relaxed everything looks difficult. I’d add you search for past questions as part of the materials needed for preparations as well.

  4. I am a Chinese junior high student. I have gotten the highest score in my class in the last mid-semester exam. I have already established my clean and confortable studying environment and created a schedule.
    The end-semester exam is coming very soon and I need to review the knowledge, so I take my spare time to read this article. I don’t have time to update my blog. Your tips are very helpful. I hope I will get a higher score with your tips. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Your this article is very helpful so I have shared it to my classmates. I don’t have time for blogging now.

  5. Some really good tips! I actually miss school/studying because I LOVED having notes to organise and just buying new stationary every semester lol one thing that really helped me to revise was having a mini whiteboard and board pen as well as having those revision cards. They help a bunch!

    1. Thank you babe! I loved buying new stationery as well! The revision cards were so helpful but I never used a whiteboard which is such a shame.

    1. It’s my pleasure 😇 I just started my blogging journey it will be an honor if you would please check my new blog out ✨

  6. This is such a great post, I totally agree that organising yourself at the start is they key to successful studying!

  7. Another way to study is if you are using a digital way to capture and store your notes is to use Notion. They have these handy toggle switches which allows to use active recall learning by typing questions to test yourself. You can hide the answers under the toggles so when you revisit the info and test yourself you can see where you need to focus your studies. Often we tend to go into identification mode as we recognize the information we going over again but that doesn’t necessarily mean we understand the concepts. Also try to explain the concepts as if to a 5 year old. This in turn helps you to see if you have a deep understanding of the concepts that you are able to explain it in an easy to understand layman way. Sound easier than it is. This is also referred to as the Feynman technique.

  8. For notes, I also use those app for making things digital since like you said organizing the scattered notes takes a lot of time…. Sometimes they are lost as well.

  9. After few days my 1st-year final exam will be held and the article which you have shared is very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing this.

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