how to revive your old blog posts - new lune

How To Revive Your Old Blog Posts

Driving traffic towards your website is extremely hard but driving traffic towards your archive is much harder! It’s completely normal that your new blog posts get more traffic than your older ones as it’s the recent posts that your audience is able to see but I personally think, driving traffic to your old posts is as important. Your audience might find useful information and they might not even know that you had written these articles in the first place. In today’s post, I wanted to share with you a couple of ways to revive and bring back traffic to your old blog posts. Not only are these methods very effective but they might also help you gain more followers. As always, if you are interested – keep on reading!

Générer du trafic vers votre site Web est extrêmement difficile, mais générer du trafic vers vos archives est beaucoup plus difficile! Il est tout à fait normal que vos nouveaux articles de blog génèrent plus de trafic que vos anciens, car ce sont les articles récents que votre public peut voir, mais je pense personnellement que générer du trafic vers vos anciens articles est aussi important. Votre public peut trouver des informations utiles et ne pas savoir que vous avez écrit ces articles en premier lieu. Dans l’article d’aujourd’hui, je voulais partager avec vous quelques façons de raviver et de ramener du trafic vers vos anciens articles de blog. Non seulement ces méthodes sont très efficaces, mais elles peuvent également vous aider à gagner plus d’adeptes. Comme toujours, si vous êtes intéressé, continuez à lire!

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One of the best ways to gain traffic on your old blog posts is by creating pins for them on Pinterest. Not only is it an effective way to share your old blog posts but you are also boosting your traffic on Pinterest. One of the good things about Pinterest is the fact it doesn’t care whether your posts are recent or not, if one of your pins gets viral – you will definitely notice a huge increase of traffic and it’s something not to miss.

L’un des meilleurs moyens de gagner du trafic sur vos anciens articles de blog est de créer des épingles pour eux sur Pinterest. Non seulement c’est un moyen efficace de partager vos anciens articles de blog, mais vous augmentez également votre trafic sur Pinterest. L’une des bonnes choses à propos de Pinterest est le fait que peu importe si vos publications sont récentes ou non, si l’une de vos épingles devient virale – vous remarquerez certainement une énorme augmentation du trafic et c’est quelque chose à ne pas manquer.

Related: Why You Should Prioritise Pinterest For Your Blog



This is something I’ve never done and would never do but I’ve seen many bloggers do it so I thought it would be fair to share in case if it’s something you are interested in doing and that is reposting your old posts. It’s a great way to promote and share your old articles to your audience especially if they had been written years ago.

C’est quelque chose que je n’ai jamais fait et que je ne ferais jamais, mais j’ai vu de nombreux blogueurs le faire, alors j’ai pensé qu’il serait juste de partager au cas où c’est quelque chose qui vous intéresse et ce qui est republier vos anciens billets. C’est un excellent moyen de promouvoir et de partager vos anciens articles à votre public, surtout s’ils avaient été écrits il y a des années.

Related: 3 Effective Ways To Gain More Traffic On Your Blog



Another effective way to bring back traffic to your old blog posts is by linking them in your new articles. If you’ve been blogging for a long time, your new readers might not probably know that you’ve written certain blog posts that’s why linking them in your new posts will help your audience find them especially if they are relevant to the post in question.

Un autre moyen efficace de ramener du trafic vers vos anciens articles de blog consiste à les relier dans vos nouveaux articles. Si vous bloguez depuis longtemps, vos nouveaux lecteurs ne sauront probablement pas que vous avez écrit certains articles de blog, c’est pourquoi les relier à vos nouveaux articles aidera votre public à les trouver, surtout s’ils sont pertinents pour l’article en question.

Related: How to Boost Traffic Without Publishing Blog Posts



Last but not least, you can share your old blog posts on social media whether it be on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. By sharing and promoting them on your social media platforms, not only are you driving traffic towards these posts but you are also letting your followers know about these posts in case if they had missed it. I would encourage all bloggers to consistently promote your old blog posts on a social media platform, especially Twitter. You can either do it manually or use a plugin which will automatically share your posts for you if you have a self-hosted website.

Enfin, vous pouvez partager vos anciens articles de blog sur les réseaux sociaux, que ce soit sur Twitter, Instagram ou Facebook. En les partageant et en les promouvant sur vos plateformes de médias sociaux, non seulement vous générez du trafic vers ces publications, mais vous informez également vos abonnés de ces publications au cas où ils les auraient manquées. J’encourage tous les blogueurs à promouvoir systématiquement vos anciens articles de blog sur une plateforme de médias sociaux, en particulier Twitter. Vous pouvez le faire manuellement ou utiliser un plugin qui partagera automatiquement vos publications pour vous si vous avez un site Web auto-hébergé.

Related: How To Establish A Strong Social Media Presence



xo N

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  1. Because I originally started my blog on “blogger” (I know!!) and then retrieved all those posts to WordPress —I try to post my older post now and again to save me some time. It’s almost like recycling your content😂👍🏽 xx

  2. Helpful tips. Especially the Pinterest pins and sharing on social media. Thanks. I find that people rarely click on links embedded in articles but also depends on how you phrase the sentence. What do you think?

    1. So glad it was helpful! I think it completely depends on the audience. Some people will click and some won’t but it’s always better to link in my opinion. Thank you so much for reading 😊

  3. I share each of my blog posts on my Pinterest and Facebook accounts when I first publish them. Does it matter that they would be duplicates posting them on social media again? Is that normal?

    1. It doesn’t matter if there are any duplicates, what matters is that you post your blog posts on those platforms. If you have installed a plugin or have connected your social media accounts on your blog then it will automatically post your articles for you 😊

  4. I love this idea! I actually did this with an old post because I felt like I could make it better. Cheers!

    1. In my opinion, it’s very useful! But the algorithm has recently changed so a lot of users, including myself have seen a decrease in terms of traffic but if you use it regularly – it’s a great platform to generate traffic!

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