how to stay organised as a blogger - new lune

How To Stay Organised As A Blogger

Practice happy thinking every day.

Hey Loves! Blogging can be time consuming and demands a lot of work such as writing your blog posts, taking pictures, managing your social media accounts, answering emails and comments, searching for blog post ideas, interacting with other blogs/bloggers, well you get the gist of it!

The only way to maintain your blog is to be organised and using your time effectively, doing small tasks on an everyday basis can benefit your blog so much and it’ll make sure your blog is active all year long.

Salut tout le monde! Bloguer peut prendre beaucoup de temps et exige beaucoup de travail comme écrire vos billets de blog, prendre des photos, gérer vos comptes de médias sociaux, répondre à des courriels et des commentaires, rechercher des idées de blog, interagir avec d’autres blogueurs.

La seule façon de maintenir votre blog est d’être organisé et d’utiliser votre temps efficacement, faire de petites tâches au quotidien peut profiter autant à votre blog et il va s’assurer que votre blog est actif toute l’année.

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If there is one thing I’ve learnt is to take as many blog pictures as you can in a day for multiple blog posts. This helps a lot (especially if you’re in the UK) on the days when you don’t have natural lighting, this trick will make sure you’ve your blog pictures ready and obviously you don’t have to worry about taking them later.

Most of the times, your pictures don’t have to match your blog post unless you’re writing about a specific product. You can switch up some flatlay props and/or the background, and mix up the composition of your pictures. If you’re an avid Instagrammer then you can take both your Instagram and blog pictures at the same time!

S’il y a une chose que j’ai appris, c’est de prendre autant d’images de blog que vous pouvez en un jour pour plusieurs articles de blog. Cela aide beaucoup (surtout si vous êtes au Royaume-Uni) les jours où vous n’avez pas d’éclairage naturel, cette astuce va s’assurer que vous avez vos photos de blog prêt et, évidemment, vous n’avez pas à vous soucier de les prendre plus tard.

La plupart du temps, vos photos ne doivent pas correspondre à votre article de blog, sauf si vous écrivez sur un produit spécifique. Vous pouvez changer certains accessoires de flatlay et/ou l’arrière-plan, et mélanger la composition de vos images. Si vous êtes un instagrammer avide, vous pouvez prendre à la fois vos photos sur Instagram et sur votre blog en même temps!

Related: The Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins



Personally for me, the most difficult part of blogging is writing a blog post. If there’s something I’ve learnt is to always prepare your blog posts beforehand, you don’t want to struggle at the last minute without having anything to publish.

Planning your blog posts in advance will make sure you always have a blog post ready to be published no matter what the situation is, whether you go on holidays or something unexpected comes up – your blog will still be running.

Obviously when you post regularly, your readers are most likely to visit your blog more often because they know you’re very active on your blog. Make sure to use planners and apps to write all your ideas!

Personnellement pour moi, la partie la plus difficile de bloguer est d’écrire un article de blog. S’il y a quelque chose que j’ai appris, c’est de toujours préparer vos articles de blog à l’avance, vous ne voulez pas vous battre à la dernière minute sans avoir rien à publier.

En planifiant vos posts à l’avance, vous aurez toujours un post de blog prêt à être publié quelle que soit la situation, que vous partiez en vacances ou que quelque chose d’inattendu arrive: votre blog sera toujours en cours d’exécution.

Évidemment, lorsque vous publiez régulièrement, vos lecteurs sont plus susceptibles de visiter votre blog plus souvent parce qu’ils savent que vous êtes très actif sur votre blog. Assurez-vous d’utiliser des cahiers et des applications pour écrire toutes vos idées!

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I used to write blog posts instantly (and still I’m doing it) but sometimes when you run out of ideas, it can become tricky! Always note your blog post ideas in a planner or app as soon as anything comes up in your mind so you don’t forget about them later on!

J’avais l’habitude d’écrire des billets de blog instantanément (et je le fais toujours) mais parfois, quand vous manquez d’idées, cela peut devenir difficile! Notez toujours vos idées de blog dans un agenda ou une application dès que quelque chose vous vient à l’esprit pour que vous ne les oubliez pas plus tard!

Related: How To Develop Blogging Confidence



Having goals in your mind each month can motivate you to do your best. For instance, have a goal to publish at least two times per week or to reach a certain number of followers on a social media platform.

Obviously, do this without putting too much pressure on yourself because the goal here is not for you to be disappointed at the end of the month if you don’t accomplish them. You can even share your goals in a blog post and do monthly updates.

Avoir des objectifs dans votre esprit chaque mois peut vous motiver à faire de votre mieux. Par exemple, avoir un objectif de publier au moins deux fois par semaine ou d’atteindre un certain nombre d’adeptes sur une plate-forme de médias sociaux.

Evidemment, faites cela sans trop vous mettre la pression car l’objectif ici n’est pas que vous soyez déçu à la fin du mois si vous ne les accomplissez pas. Vous pouvez même partager vos objectifs dans un article de blog et effectuer des mises à jour mensuelles.

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Interacting with other bloggers/blogs is very essential when you’re a blogger yourself, most of the time people who comment and like your blog posts are bloggers themselves so it’s all about sharing and giving back the love and support.

Interagir avec d’autres blogueurs/blogs est très important quand vous êtes un blogueur vous-même, la plupart du temps les gens qui commentent et aiment vos articles de blogs sont eux-mêmes des blogueurs, il s’agit donc de partager et de rendre l’amour et le soutien.

Related: 5 Ways To Stay Motivated As A Blogger



xo N

  1. Beautiful post…. such good advice. I’m always now thinking ‘oooh, I could blog about that, perhaps do a little research on the side towards it, to make it more interesting or technically correct, but then I forget the idea. So jotting it down in a journal is a fabulous idea! Thank you x

    1. Thanks a lot! You should definitely use a planner, journal or even an app on your phone. I always use the ‘notes’ app on my iPhone to write down anything that comes up in my mind x

  2. Such a good write up, preparing blog post before hand and taking several pictures in one day will really make the pressure of doing everything less overwhelming. Thanks lovely 🙂

    1. Thank you love! That’s what I’ve been doing for over a year now and it definitely reduced half of my work and most importantly the pressure. You’re so welcome 😘

  3. Couldn’t relate to you more when you said “especially in the UK” when talking about natural daylight and photographs! Seriously, that is the biggest problem for me. It’s been so gloomy and now that I’m not at a place to take photos, the sun comes out…can’t win.

    Great tips. I agree with all of them, and if all else fails, just keep blogging. 🙈

    1. I know right! It’s such a struggle, I’ve moved around some furnitures in my room so I don’t have a good place to take pictures too 😔

      Thank you hun! Exactly ❤️

  4. This is really helpful! Particularly love the bit about taking a bunch of pictures in one day. Natural light in winter in the UK is not my friend, especially when working 9-5 all week! ♥️

    1. Thank you beaut! 💗 So true, you can’t find any natural daylight during the day or evening and your pictures are either too yellow or blueish!

  5. I really needed to read this today! Thanks for sharing, I sometimes get so discouraged with blogging and not getting lots of views/likes even though I try so hard, but I guess I’m in the same boat as everyone else lol ❤

    1. That’s my pleasure gorgeous! Numbers are important but don’t let them get into your head, it’s very easy to get disheartened when you’re working hard and you don’t see any results but trust me, all your hard work will pay off and you will get amazing opportunities ❤️

  6. I always take a bunch of pictures when the lighting is right & I have time, seriously helps so much to have pictures at the ready! and I LOVE that you talked about interacting with others, I feel like so many people forget that part.

    1. Especially when the weather is gloomy all week long and you haven’t taken a single picture, and when you remember you took a bunch of pictures the week before, you feel like you won the lottery lol!

      I feel we’re so busy as it is that we don’t have time to interact even if we want to, personally if I had time I’d pretty much read, like and comment on every single blog post haha x

    2. haha exactly!! it’s like ughhh this weather, but oh well! I’ve got a ton of pictures waiting 🙌🏻 such a good feeling! oh I totally agree. I try my best to read as many as possible, but it definitely gets difficult when you have a million things to do 🙈

    1. That’s my pleasure hun! I spend at least more than 3 hours working on my blog everyday otherwise I won’t have enough time to work on my blog posts so I completely understand what you mean! Thank you for your sweet words x

  7. This is a helpful post! I’m so bad at the pictures. I wait until I’m writing the post and then I want to take the pics and I don’t have good lighting. I need to just set aside time on weekend mornings to do it I guess..

    1. Exactly! Setting time aside to take your blog pictures is a must when you’re a blogger! It’s so annoying but you don’t have any other choice.. 😔 or you can buy a softbox, you can take pictures whenever you want! x

    2. I’ll have to look into that! I’ve been looking at ring lights since I do Youtube sometimes as well, but I just haven’t been ready to make the investement yet.

    3. That’s the reason why I still haven’t bought a soft box yet (+ nobody in my real life knows I’ve a blog so it’ll be weird to buy one and it’s not a small thing I can hide in my drawer lol), I don’t earn that much money from my blog to make such an investment. I think you can find some affordable ones on Amazon (if I’m not mistaken) x

    4. I’ll have to check it out. I’m not making anything from my blog yet, so it’s hard to justify big purchases 🙂

    1. Thank you! Glad you found these helpful! Haha me too! I still have tons of drafts which I haven’t even touched for a very long time lol 😅

  8. Super article, merci pour les informations j’essayerai de faire ce que je peux pour mon nouveau blog 🙂 Biz

  9. I love your tips! I always write down any blog idea that comes to mind in my notes, it’s really helpful!

  10. Hi, I discovered your blog today and I love the clean-cut feel of your theme, it makes the navigation so much easier. Also thank you for the tips, they are so precious for a new blogger like me!

  11. Awesome post! Definitely helpful as a new blogger! What do you actually use to take your pictures for your blog? 😊

  12. This was so helpful! Also love the vibe of your blog, everything looks so clean and organised. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  13. Love these tips! I’m definitely going to use the tip of writing down tons of blog post ideas in my planner, such a great idea!

    1. Thanks a lot beaut! It’s definitely a struggle and it’s so hard to find a routine that works that’s the reason why I plan my blog posts beforehand! You’re welcome x

  14. This post could not have come at a better time, I have zero organisation when it comes to blogging! I just wing it! Oopsie xxx

    1. Haha I used to be like that but then I started to neglect my blog (which wasn’t good) so I decided to spare time just for my blog. It’s so hard to find a routine that works lol xxx

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