surviving high school - new lune

Surviving High School

Whenever I feel anxious or go through something stressful, I always think about my time in high school and that instantly makes me feel better because it was one of the worst times of my life. If I could survive that, I know in my heart that I can survive anything. If you are going through something similar or feel like you can’t take it anymore then this post is for you. These are the things I wish someone had told me back then, so as always if you’re interested keep on reading.

Chaque fois que je me sens anxieuse ou que je traverse une période de stress, je pense toujours à mon passage au lycée et cela me rend instantanément plus heureuse parce que ce fut l’un des pires moments de ma vie. Si je pouvais survivre à cela, je sais dans mon cœur que je peux survivre à n’importe quoi. Si vous vivez quelque chose de similaire ou si vous sentez que vous ne pouvez plus le supporter, cet article est pour vous. Ce sont là des choses que j’aurais aimé que quelqu’un me dise à l’époque, alors comme toujours, si vous êtes intéressé, continuez à lire.

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Back then I was scared of being alone and having friends was one of the most important things in my life – if not the most. When I look back, I find it quite funny because I don’t feel that way anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice feeling to love & be loved and making friends will bring you so many benefits including great memories, life-long friendships and happiness. However it’s not as important as everyone makes it seem like. If you don’t get to make any friends in high school, it doesn’t make you weird nor means you’ll never make any friends for the rest of your life.

Most of my (ex-) friends in high school were bitchy and unnecessarily mean including most of my classmates. These are not the people whom I want to associate myself with and once I realised that, it was so liberating! Being alone is much better than feeling lonely. Even if you only have one friend, cherish that person. It’s so hard to find good friends nowadays so don’t lose a friend because of nasty people and don’t be with people who don’t appreciate your worth.

À l’époque, j’avais peur d’être seule et d’avoir des amies était l’une des choses les plus importantes de ma vie – sinon la plus grande chose. Quand je regarde en arrière, je trouve ça assez drôle parce que je ne me pense plus comme ça. Ne vous méprenez pas, c’est un sentiment agréable d’aimer et d’être aimé et se faire des amis vous apportera de nombreux avantages, dont de bons souvenirs, des amitiés pour la vie et du bonheur. Cependant, ce n’est pas aussi important que tout le monde le laisse croire. Si vous ne vous faites pas d’amis au lycée, cela ne vous rendra pas bizarre et ne signifiera pas que vous ne ferez jamais d’amis pour le restant de vos jours.

La plupart de mes (ex) amis au lycée étaient méchants y compris la plupart de mes camarades de classe. Ce ne sont pas les gens avec qui je veux m’associer et une fois que j’ai réalisé cela, c’était tellement libérateur! Être seule est beaucoup mieux que de se sentir seule. Même si vous n’avez qu’un(e) seul(e) ami(e), chérissez cette personne. C’est tellement difficile de trouver de bons amis aujourd’hui, alors ne perdez pas un ami à cause de gens méchants et ne soyez pas avec des gens qui n’apprécient pas votre valeur.

Related: My Experience With Negative Friendships



High school is a turning point in your education, life and career. It pretty much determines the path in the next chapter of your life. I know that sounds so cliché and boring but this is what you should concentrate about, not your friends, boys or social life. You might never ever see the people you meet in high school again. The things you care about now, well, you might forget what those things were in a couple of years. You’ll never see the people who are giving you a hard time nor know what they are up to.

Films & TV shows don’t really show the realistic part of life, they always showcase that your best friend in high school will end up becoming the god mother of your child, and that you’ll marry your high school sweetheart. I’m not saying these things don’t happen in real life but the truth is that it doesn’t happen to most people. You shouldn’t waste your time on things that won’t matter in the long run.

Le lycée est un tournant dans votre éducation, votre vie et votre carrière. Cela détermine à peu près la voie dans le prochain chapitre de votre vie. Je sais que cela a l’air si cliché et ennuyeux, mais c’est sur quoi vous devriez vous concentrer, pas sur vos amis, les garçons ou votre vie sociale. Vous pourriez ne plus jamais revoir les personnes que vous rencontrerez au lycée. Les choses qui vous intéressent maintenant, vous pourriez peut-être les oublier en quelques années. Vous ne verrez jamais les gens qui vous donnent du fil à retordre ni savoir ce qu’ils sont en train de faire.

Les films et séries télévisées ne montrent pas vraiment le côté réaliste de la vie, ils montrent toujours que votre meilleure amie au lycée finira par devenir la marraine de votre enfant et que vous épouserez votre premier amour. Je ne dis pas que ces choses ne se produisent pas dans la réalité, mais la vérité est que cela n’arrive pas à la plupart des gens. Vous ne devriez pas perdre votre temps sur des choses qui n’auront aucune importance à long terme.

Related: 10 Goals To Set In Life



This a subject that I take it very personal because that’s the reason why I had the hardest time in high school. It breaks my heart that it’s still an on-going battle for most people. The only thing I wish I’d told myself back then is to confront those people and speak up.

I wish I could say that these bullies don’t go far in their life but that’s not the case. Most of them do end up having really good careers and a very good life. However, trust me when I say they are very insecure and jealous of you. If that wasn’t the case, they wouldn’t even bully you in the first place. You have something that they don’t have so don’t let them take that away from you.

C’est un sujet que je considère très personnel parce que c’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai passé le plus de difficultés au lycée. Cela me brise le cœur que la bataille continue pour la plupart des gens. La seule chose que j’aurais aimé pouvoir dire est de confronter ces gens et de parler.

J’aimerais pouvoir dire que ces brutes ne vont pas loin dans leur vie mais ce n’est pas le cas. La plupart d’entre eux finissent par avoir de très bonnes carrières et une très belle vie. Cependant, faites-moi confiance quand je dis qu’ils sont très anxieux et jaloux de vous. Si ce n’était pas le cas, ils ne vous intimideraient même pas. Vous avez quelque chose qu’ils n’ont pas, alors ne les laissez pas vous l’enlever.

Related: 3 Things I Would Tell My Teenage Self



Last but not least, as difficult as it may seem like, high school is definitely one of the less stressful times of your life. As you grow up, there are a lot more responsibilities thrown at you and you might regret that you didn’t get to fully enjoy that time. Even if you feel like crying to sleep, watch a TV show/film or play video games while doing it haha. These are the times to be stress free and live life to the fullest.

Dernier point mais non le moindre, aussi difficile que cela puisse paraître, le lycée est certainement l’une des périodes les moins stressantes de votre vie. En grandissant, de plus en plus de responsabilités vous sont confiées et vous pourriez regretter de ne pas avoir pu profiter pleinement de ce moment. Même si vous avez envie de pleurer, regardez une émission de télévision/un film ou jouez à des jeux vidéo tout en le faisant haha. C’est le moment de vivre sans stress et de vivre pleinement.

Related: How To Find Yourself When You Are Feeling Lost



xo N

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  1. Wise words. School is just school. It need not be the center of life. The only friends I have carried with me into mid-life are ones I met AFTER high school graduation.

  2. I’m so sorry that high school was such a horrible experience for you! Mine wasn’t the greatest although it wasn’t terrible either. I think we all wouldn’t be who we are today without high school. It’s funny how some things just never change so we just need to be the better person and be kind to ourselves. 🙂

    To be honest, I only kept in touch with like 2-3 people from high school. I met my best friends in life after high school actually lol.

    1. Totally agree with you! I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be the person who I am today without those life lessons and experiences. Sadly I’ve lost touch with all my friends from high school after I moved to the UK. I’ve met my best friends after high school as well but they all moved to different countries due to work x

  3. This is valid advice. My (junior) high school experience l isn’t completely different from yours. It was just as horrible. I suffered greatly in the hands of bullies, and because I lacked in the areas of physical appearance and intellect, I was always looked down upon. They even gave me a nickname back then — one I won’t share here because it’s very embarrassing 😂

    I changed schools when I was entering senior high. But my experience in my former school made it hard for me to socialise with people. I’m in the university now, and I still find it difficult to socialise with people.

    When many of us reflect on our life in high school, we’re usually filled with sad and bitter memories. But among all those sad memories are the happy ones. Like the good friends we made and the things we did with them… When we reflect on these things, we’re filled with happiness.

    Do you have happy memories in your high school experience?

    1. Thank you Obinna! My nickname in high school was “nerd” which sounds much nicer in English but the French version doesn’t haha 😅

      I found it hard to socialise as well due to my emotional wounds but when you meet the right people, you’ll feel much more at ease, trust me! Don’t be too hard on yourself, it takes time to heal.

      My happy memories were probably me leaving high school and the weekend hahah 😂 but all jokes aside, I did make some friends and I do have some happy memories. But sadly, the bad ones outweigh the good ones which sucks.

  4. I’m sorry high school was such a hard time for you! I always hope that kids who are struggling in school know that it won’t be forever and that things will get better once they’re out. Either way, your experience has shaped you into the lovely person you are today.

    I actually miss high school sometimes. Not that I was “popular” or anything, but it was a time of minimal stress and lots of happy memories for me. Adulthood affords you a lot of freedom (like a lot more money and nobody to tell you what to do), but with that comes more responsibilities and more worries. I always see groups of high school girls on public transit talking about their “problems” in life like what classes they should take next semester, how they’re stressing about getting that A+ in chem class, or which of their friends are sleeping with who and it just all seems so silly. Not that I’m trying to trivialize their problems because I remember things like that seeming very important to me at that age, but when you look at it as an adult, you realize that as a high school kid, your all-consuming problems were so narrow in the grand scheme of life and that there’s so much more after high school ends.

    1. Aw thank you lovely, you are so sweet! I completely agree with you 🙌🏼 When I look back, I realise that I’ve wasted my time on unnecessary people and given importance to things that don’t really matter to me now.

  5. That is a very important topic, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was also bullied at school (although I was a brilliant student). But I feel that it was a good motivation for me to progress in life.

    1. My pleasure hun! I think it’s always students who do well at school that get bullied a lot but I might be wrong! Thanks for reading ❤️

  6. I’m always telling my teenage daughter it’s only a short period of time left you won’t even know these people when you leave concentrate on your education that’s all that matters but I know that’s easier said than done!

    1. So true! It’s easier said than done, at that point in your life, high school would seem like the most important part of your life but you’ll realise after that you just wasted your time on unnecessary things. Thanks for reading lovely 💗

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  8. Thank goodness I wasn’t alone in suffering in High School. I was bullied right up until I was 17, and I am still recovering from the mental trauma today (I’m 27). It does get better, and the best revenge you can have in life is by being successful xx

  9. I’m sorry you had such a terrible time in high school. I loved school. However, I totally get that “if you survived x, you’ll get through this” approach. I do it. It’s my “you’ll laugh about this one day” or “you’ll wonder why this was such a big deal” approach. Doesn’t always help but it’s good remember that things won’t always be exactly as they are now.

    1. Thank you love! I’m glad to hear that you loved school, I wish I could say the same thing but unfortunately I can’t. I completely agree with you, it won’t help anything but it’s a great reminder that things will change and go for the better! x

  10. Pingback: Survivre au superieur – Schoolwanted
  11. This article resonates with me so much! I was bullied mercilessly in high school and even today, my classmates are people I never want to associate myself with again!

    I’ve since made some truly wonderful friends and they are people I don’t have to prove myself to nor explain anything to. They get me and accept me just as I am.

    I loved this post!!!

    Scheduled for reblog on Chateau Cherie on 4/15

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